Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Moving Day 24 Hours Away

I forgot to mention that I am actually moving from New Orleans to San Diego, California. Not as I had hoped for most of my life, but San Diego is a good city. My cat and turtle are already over there (cat is actually on a special flight over there right now). Tonight is mostly packing a few suitcases of things to bring with us on the flight tomorrow.

There are a few things I have to say that I'll miss about New Orleans. The first thing is my home. I have lived here all of my life. I'll also miss my high school. I was going into my freshman year there, which is kind of my second year of high school. I'll also miss my friends, like Ryan, Rodger, Brandt, Rafael, Tucker, and Trac. I've known all of them (except for Rafael and Trac) since 5th grade.

So, wih that, I'm back to packing. I'll update this tomorrow when I get to San Diego ;)

Monday, July 28, 2008


So, I decided to make a blog.

I'm BZM, or Scott to my friends. I'm 14 and from New Orleans. I have quite a few talents. I play the saxophone, keyboard (piano), and guitar. I'm very interested in computers and programming. And I'm a hacker. Not the "I'll steal your passwords and destroy everything" hacker, the "I'm going to modify (blank) game with (blank)" hacker. I started around April 2007, when I joined Zelda's Secret Ocarina (better known as ZSO), an Ocarina of Time and Majora's Mask modification site. Around May 2007, someone there showed a Super Mario World hack he did. I decided I wanted to hack SMW. I joined the site SMW Central around June/July 2007. Now, I don't hack OoT or MM much anymore (much to the dissapointment of those that wanted me to finish my MM hack :P), but I still hack SMW.

I'll post anything going on in my life here.