Monday, May 11, 2009

Terinal Tip Of The Week (5/11)

I was trying to decide if I should do a recurring blog post every week devoted to some subject, so I guess I'll try an Terminal tip-related post every Monday!

Get all the audio you want off Youtube:

Before you start this trick, you need to download a nifty little script that'll download Youtube videos:
Also be sure you have ffmpeg.

First, find the youtube video you want.
For example, let's use this link to the song Americana, by Offspring.

now that we have the video we want, type into terminal


this will download the video to your current location (which by default is your home folder)

now that we have it downloaded, now it's time to convert it to an MP3!
Type into terminal:

ffmpeg -i OU-vs5YtH1Q.flv -f mp3 Americana.mp3 (I would personally rename the video to something simpler before converting, like song.flv)

And after all of that, you should have the song you want. I would probably use this to get any good sound bytes I find on Youtube, but I guess that's just me :)

Thursday, May 7, 2009

I'm So Very Tired

I guess I should get in the habit of posting here at least once a week, whether it'd be my random thoughts, hack updates, or just posting for the sake of posting.

I ended up getting AT&T U-Verse set up in my home yesterday, along with upgrading the internet. Took until today until I could get a wireless signal to my room, though...

I never posted about the game systems/games I recently got over spring break and before that, so here it goes:

Over spring break, I went on my usual trip to New Orleans to spend time with my dad, see relatives, etc. My dad and I ended up stopping at the flea market in Harahan, since we needed to kill time before dinner with my bro. I ended up finding an Odyssey2 (wish I could get superscripts on this thing) for aroun $20.00 . The great thing about it from a collector standpoint was the fact that it was still in the original box, styrofoam, everything. It even still had the pamphlets, booklets, and full, in case, games for it. I got it, since I had brought $30.00 with me. That was probably my best investment (this beats out the boxed Master System by a little bit).

Also got a Sega CD for $50.00 at Luna. Still haven't gotten games for it, because all the SCD games at the store sucks.

I guess that'll do it for this blog post. Hopefully the next post is an MitLK update :D