Thursday, April 30, 2009

I Should Be Doing English Work Now, But Meh

I guess I suck for not posting here in a while. School has been such a bitch to my free time, so I'll take some of my English work time to post. It's simple poetry analysis anyway.

I've recently been learning Japanese on my own, with the inspiration of it coming from my friend Mei, who is half Japanese and is always doodling Kanji on her arm (hope she doesn't find this :P).

I realized in speech class how nervous I get in front of ~30 people. I seem to always make pauses.

EDIT ON 5/1: I know I said brb when writing the post, but then after my dinner, I started working on my English homework, which took the rest of the night (not really, I just kept getting distracted).

School today was boring as usual, though I finally got back my results from my persuasive speech in Speech calss. I ended up with an B+, which was a lot better than I expected to do.

Got KSSU, Pokemon Platinum, and Sonic Chronicles last weekend. Haven't gotten a chance to play SC, but I must say, I'm impressed by Platinum. I'm the kind that didn't see any reason to buy Pokemon games after Crystal came out around 2000 (though I got Leaf Green for my 11th birthday, I never played it much). The only thing that actually motivated me to buy Platinum was that it was available at Luna Video Games when I went in, and there was nothing else there to buy, so I got that.

Anyway, I'll probably update this blog more, and give it a less depressing layout :P

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